Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy December 2nd!

So, I haven't been keeping my promise. I really hope that I will be able to get better at keeping this updated.

Well, I missed congratulating the world for revolving 1/12 of the way around the sun. Happy December folks. In a few days, it'll be one month since I started this blog. Hopefully by that time I will have gotten the promised amount of content on here. I majorly doubt it, but let's hope nonetheless.

Hopefully things are looking up in the future. I really need to find some luck to survive the winter holidays. But enough about me and my pathetic sob story. I might tell you later, but I also might not. So it's kinda pointless to speculate. Just take comfort in the fact that if it were really serious, I wouldn't be posting about it. I would be going out to fix it.

So, I might put this up on facebook. We'll see the outcome of that. Hopefully I haven't written anything offensive. If I have, then I guess I need to clean up my act. Or the person offended could just not come to my blog anymore. I like the latter idea.

Anyways, I need to go to bed so I can wake up in the morning. Sorry, no quote from Annie this post. Come back another time.

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