Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

I hope I spelled that right. lol  So, it's a day of gluttony as we celebrate the fact that the colonists couldn't swallow their pride and ask the Indians how to grow food. Everyone is going to get together with family, eat dinner at three and generally have a very good time. I think I like this day.

In unrelated news, the final dress rehearsal went smashingly. Hopefully we can pull it together for the show on friday. I know that we can do it, it's just a matter of getting everyone else in the cast to believe in themselves. It's turning out to be a great show.

Today I visit my family, but mostly because I need a haircut. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't really care for my family. They don't call me to ask how I'm doing, except for Sarah. They don't come into town to visit me, except for Sarah. And they have probably forgotten that I'm coming over today, except for Sarah.

I love you little sis.

Hopefully you're not scrounging for a meal in Hooverville. But if you are, just remember... The traffic may be loud, but it wakes you from your nightmares. You may have empty pockets, but at least you have pockets. You may have freezing fingers, but at least you got those empty pockets. And finally,  you may only have newspapers for blankets, but remember, you can always read in bed.

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