Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm back. Hold your cheers for after the blog post. I've been trying to stay under the radar, and sort of keep my head down until some unpleasantness was dealt with. Now, life is better. And I have a lot of stuff to tell you.

First of all, I am now obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks. I found out that they have over fifteen albums out, and I want every one of them. Hopefully I can get them, as some of them are really old. They might even be on record. *GASP* I have watched the two CGI movies at least 20 times each, and I've played the video game. For some reason, I just don't get tired of their music. Others say that it's too screech-ey. But I could listen to them all day.

Second, I got a sort of promotion over at Thunder Bay Theatre. I am now the official Stage manager. I do everything I used to, but now I answer the phone, and I work on lights and other technical things. I even went through three radio interviews today. It was exhausting. And now everyone who has a problem with anything will come to me for help. I also make sure that the place is spick-n-span. I'm sort of like the grounds keeper, the secretary, and a techie all in one.

I've been getting really into Minecraft lately as well. I really want to buy the beta so I can give it a whirl. Hopefully that will come in due time. For now I have a less updated version. Oh well. For those who would like to see some screen shots, I might put them up in a little while but for now, I'm content to say that it really looks amazing.

Right now I can't think of anything that's missing. If I remember something that I forgot, then I'll be sure to post it tomorrow. Until then, I'll keep you posted.

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