Friday, September 16, 2011

Just wanted you to know, but I never got the chance to bring it up...

Story time.

When I was fired from the theatre, I was really beat up about it. I thought my world was crumbling down around my ears. There was a point where I just didn't know what I was going to do. I felt like my life had no purpose. But every door that closes, one more opens as they say.

My brother asked me how I felt about doing gigs on the weekend for him. For those who don't know, my brother works at the radio station, but he has his own business in Dj-ing. So I said yes. He taught me how to do it, and I was on my own on the second day. It was a very exciting time. Now I've been working for him for about 3 months and I'm enjoying every moment of it. In some ways I like it better than the theatre. It's a little better because the money is staying in the family, and I get to hang out with drunk people a lot more often, but I'll always miss the family that I had at Thunder Bay Theatre.

Just thought you guys should know.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Friday, August 19, 2011

Amazing news!

Well, first some not so exciting news. We never got around to fixing up the bonus room. It was just sort of a hang out place, even though it's not finished. Whatever, it's still fun to hang out there.

Anyways, on to the amazing part. I'm going down to American Idol! I'm going down with a friend who wanted to get out of the house and go on vacation. We're going down to Houston Texas, the 23rd. Then the 24th, I'm gonna be registering for an audition. From there, we're gonna have a few days to muck around before the 26th and Audition day. I'm really excited. It's hard not to smile right now as I'm typing this.

In other news, a friend came back to Alpena for about a week. TJ is back in town! He's gonna be coming around to the bar to watch me work my DJ magic. Oh, by the way, I have a job as a DJ working for my brother and Happy Hour Entertainment up here in and around northeastern lower Michigan. It's a really good gig, but we can always use more. His rates are reasonable and you might even get me as your DJ. What other reasons do you need?

As always, I am your faithful friend Andy Bartz, and this is how I view the world.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Great news

So my friend has a room that he's going to fix up. I thought I'd be the nice friend I am and offer what I could. I called my mother and asked about the huge supply of hardwood flooring that we have in the basement. She said that we could help them out but we'd have to measure the room. So this summer I have something constructive to do. We'll finish up the room, and have a place to hang out afterwords too. Yay!

My mother went on to say that one of her friends is going to be coming up from the Chicago area to stay with us for a while during the fourth of July weekend. She wants me to pull up a resumé so that she can drop it off to mose theatres in the area. So I might be able to get a job in Chicago working at a theatre. And the icing on the cake is that she would let me stay with her until I can get on my feet.

I love it when things like this happen. Yay for good luck!

Monday, May 16, 2011

One of the most awesome things ever

I just discovered that you can call people using Gmail, if you have the downloadable content.

That is all.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can't be bothered to put a title here

Have you ever said to yourself that the day was going to be amazing, and then it turned out to be "meh". I had one of those days today. I was outside at about 9:30am and I noticed that it was pretty nice outside weather-wise. I thought to myself, "Today is going to be a good day." It actually turned out to be a little less so.

I went to a gaming tournament, and I didn't have a partner for the doubles competition. Normally I would've just not competed, but I happened to find someone who also didn't have a partner. So I joined. My partner was a man known as Josh Briggs, and needless to say I wasn't prepared for the fact that we kinda sucked. It's no offence to him, but we really did suck. I guess it was my lack of practice and our lack of "soul resonance".

So I continued to play in the singles bracket, thinking that it would be better. I was right, but not in the way I thought. I won my first two fights, making my ego swell. Then I was faced with a really hard opponent. He mopped the floor with me, and I was transferred to the "losers bracket". For those of you who aren't gamers of any sort, the losers bracket is not a shameful place full of misery and dispair. Nay, it is a place of redemption. You could actually earn first place by moving your way up the losers bracket. So I was not, by any means, discouraged. In fact, I was charged with a passion for winning that I haven't felt in a long time.

My next match would turn out to be my downfall. I guess I underestimated her because she was a girl, and I hadn't seen her as the "Gaming" type. I learned quickly that she was not a woman to trifle with. I lost the first set. I countered with a very annoying stage. That was where I went wrong. I made the most humiliating mistake of my life. I fell through the platform I was supposed to land on, and I killed myself. It was my last life.

Despite the fact that I lost in the worst way possible, I actually felt extremely "meh" about it. I really don't know if this is healthy. I just didn't get mad. I know that you all have heard of a mad gamer throwing controllers and swearing up a storm, but I felt like I wanted to read a book or something. Completely complacent with the fact that I just lost to myself. I don't know what to make of that.

In other non-gaming related news, all of my friends that ate over at [CENSORED] got a sort of food poisoning. Not good. But I helped them out the best I could, and they all survived.

So... Why are you still here?

Monday, February 7, 2011


First off, I'd like to tell you that I have now joined the yoga class. So this morning I was feeling very good. Unfortunately I am one of only two men that are in the class, but it is still very fun. I enjoyed myself a lot. Thank you John for taking me to the Health and Racquet Club.

But that's not the surprising thing. I was on my way home from shopping at Save-A-Lot. As most of you know, I don't have my own car. I was on my way back, when a man pulled up next to me in a truck. He actually asked me if I needed a ride back home. I politely accepted and he drove me back to the theatre. This kind gesture was made all the more generous by the fact that I did not know this man. He picked up over items stranger (me) off the side of the road to help him get back home. I can already feel my heart warming up despite the cold weather.

Thank you kind soul. May your day be as great as you've made mine.

Friday, February 4, 2011


I have just found at that Facebook is the root of all evil. In the past few minutes I have posted three different statuses. And although all of the are good statuses, I really don't need to update my status more than once per day.

The good thing is that most of this post will be typed hands free. As the people of Facebook know, I actually have rediscovered my speech recognition software and now I am using it everywhere. I even use it to instant message. There's still a few bugs to work out, but after a while the speech recognition software will be able to recognize my voice and type whatever I say. That is not to say that it's not doing a good job right now. In fact, it is actually doing quite well.

Another good taken my life, is that I got my achey tooth pulled out. One morning it was just throbbing with pain. So I called my mother around 7:00 in the morning, and asked her if she could take me to the dentist office. Luckily she wasn't doing anything that day so she took me over there and we got it fixed. The surprising thing is that it only cost around sixty dollars.

Well, that about covers it. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


I'm back. Hold your cheers for after the blog post. I've been trying to stay under the radar, and sort of keep my head down until some unpleasantness was dealt with. Now, life is better. And I have a lot of stuff to tell you.

First of all, I am now obsessed with Alvin and the Chipmunks. I found out that they have over fifteen albums out, and I want every one of them. Hopefully I can get them, as some of them are really old. They might even be on record. *GASP* I have watched the two CGI movies at least 20 times each, and I've played the video game. For some reason, I just don't get tired of their music. Others say that it's too screech-ey. But I could listen to them all day.

Second, I got a sort of promotion over at Thunder Bay Theatre. I am now the official Stage manager. I do everything I used to, but now I answer the phone, and I work on lights and other technical things. I even went through three radio interviews today. It was exhausting. And now everyone who has a problem with anything will come to me for help. I also make sure that the place is spick-n-span. I'm sort of like the grounds keeper, the secretary, and a techie all in one.

I've been getting really into Minecraft lately as well. I really want to buy the beta so I can give it a whirl. Hopefully that will come in due time. For now I have a less updated version. Oh well. For those who would like to see some screen shots, I might put them up in a little while but for now, I'm content to say that it really looks amazing.

Right now I can't think of anything that's missing. If I remember something that I forgot, then I'll be sure to post it tomorrow. Until then, I'll keep you posted.