Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A promise to myself

Today, I start a blog. Hopefully I don't tread on anyone's feelings as I post some of my day to day musings. I know exactly how it feels to have your private life on display when you'd rather have it hidden. Fortunately, I am usually a cautious man, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Anyways, let's move on... The promise I make to myself is that I will update this blog at least every other day. It might not happen because I have a social life and also, I tend to get writer's block. So hopefully this promise to myself is never broken. But knowing me, I will justify some reason to have a few days off from blogging sometime in the near future.

Oh well... At least I've said my peace.

In about thirty minutes, I will be downstairs working. With any luck, I'll do my job well.

I know this blog may not be the most happy peppy thing in the world, but smile, darn ya', smile.

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