Monday, November 22, 2010


Just got back from chinese for dinner. Hopefully my belly won't be mad at me the rest of the night.

I woke up at around 11:15. I forgot that we work every day for production weeks. So instead of going online to start posting my blog again, I wen't straight to work. We are almost done with the set of Annie. All we have to do is detail work from now until the show opens. Yay!

I was in a bit of a situation for a while, but that doesn't excuse me. I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting. Fortunately, there aren't many people who know about this blog, so I really don't have to apologize to that many people. I really want this blog to be a regular thing with me, but I've been uber busy lately.

I'm still planning on going to see my boy this break. Hopefully he's excited too. I really can't wait because I have a really important question for him. Well, that's a lie. I have two very important questions for him. On the positive side, I think that he'll say yes to both of them, so that's good.

Anyways, I think it's time for me to have some alone time, so all of you go back to your daily lives.

Remember to always look for a way to easy street.

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