Monday, December 6, 2010

Another Hiatus

I'm going to take another. *GASP*

Just some things I have to do. Sorry if that disrupts anyone's lengthy reading of my blog.

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


A load has finally been taken off my mind. I can now sleep better tonight knowing that this is off the "what if" list.

Annie went well tonight. We all had our hit and miss moments but I think it went well. All things considered. The tree fell down again, the christmas tree refused to light up, and the bow fell off. Oh well. What's done is done. We can just hope that tomorrow goes better.

I've finally ordered them, but unfortunately, they're not what I expected that they were going to be. I just hope that he likes it. I'm sorry for being so vague, but I don't want to give away the surprise. I'm also sorry for being vague in general. All will be revealed in time followers. In time. Time... time... time...

Anyways, I'm going to do... something, I guess. It sucks living in a small town. There's nothing to do at night. Anyways, I'll keep you posted.

Happy December 2nd!

So, I haven't been keeping my promise. I really hope that I will be able to get better at keeping this updated.

Well, I missed congratulating the world for revolving 1/12 of the way around the sun. Happy December folks. In a few days, it'll be one month since I started this blog. Hopefully by that time I will have gotten the promised amount of content on here. I majorly doubt it, but let's hope nonetheless.

Hopefully things are looking up in the future. I really need to find some luck to survive the winter holidays. But enough about me and my pathetic sob story. I might tell you later, but I also might not. So it's kinda pointless to speculate. Just take comfort in the fact that if it were really serious, I wouldn't be posting about it. I would be going out to fix it.

So, I might put this up on facebook. We'll see the outcome of that. Hopefully I haven't written anything offensive. If I have, then I guess I need to clean up my act. Or the person offended could just not come to my blog anymore. I like the latter idea.

Anyways, I need to go to bed so I can wake up in the morning. Sorry, no quote from Annie this post. Come back another time.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

I hope I spelled that right. lol  So, it's a day of gluttony as we celebrate the fact that the colonists couldn't swallow their pride and ask the Indians how to grow food. Everyone is going to get together with family, eat dinner at three and generally have a very good time. I think I like this day.

In unrelated news, the final dress rehearsal went smashingly. Hopefully we can pull it together for the show on friday. I know that we can do it, it's just a matter of getting everyone else in the cast to believe in themselves. It's turning out to be a great show.

Today I visit my family, but mostly because I need a haircut. I'm sorry to say it, but I don't really care for my family. They don't call me to ask how I'm doing, except for Sarah. They don't come into town to visit me, except for Sarah. And they have probably forgotten that I'm coming over today, except for Sarah.

I love you little sis.

Hopefully you're not scrounging for a meal in Hooverville. But if you are, just remember... The traffic may be loud, but it wakes you from your nightmares. You may have empty pockets, but at least you have pockets. You may have freezing fingers, but at least you got those empty pockets. And finally,  you may only have newspapers for blankets, but remember, you can always read in bed.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Just got back from chinese for dinner. Hopefully my belly won't be mad at me the rest of the night.

I woke up at around 11:15. I forgot that we work every day for production weeks. So instead of going online to start posting my blog again, I wen't straight to work. We are almost done with the set of Annie. All we have to do is detail work from now until the show opens. Yay!

I was in a bit of a situation for a while, but that doesn't excuse me. I'm really sorry that I haven't been posting. Fortunately, there aren't many people who know about this blog, so I really don't have to apologize to that many people. I really want this blog to be a regular thing with me, but I've been uber busy lately.

I'm still planning on going to see my boy this break. Hopefully he's excited too. I really can't wait because I have a really important question for him. Well, that's a lie. I have two very important questions for him. On the positive side, I think that he'll say yes to both of them, so that's good.

Anyways, I think it's time for me to have some alone time, so all of you go back to your daily lives.

Remember to always look for a way to easy street.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Saturday, November 13, 2010

So... Who likes chicken?

Setting aside the randomness of that statement, I'd like to talk to all of you about something. I am not going to be back for the spring season at TBT. I will be finding another job and living in a college dorm hopefully. Although my friend has offered me a place at her apartment, so I will probably end up there. It's good because she will be able to tell me when auditions are for shows. So that'll be nice.

Unfortunately this means that I won't be able to do "Education of Angels". Oh well. Life goes on. Ideally I would find a job close to the apartment, but I bike everywhere anyways so I'll be fine.

We just finished rehearsal for annie for the day so I guess I'm done.

Sorry for not posting earlier, but I was really strapped for time... Like I always am.

Don't worry though. The sun'll come out tomorrow.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today's the day

Good song.

But besides that Today is the day that we finish "The Frog Prince" run. After the 1:00 show we're going to put together the set for "Annie". It's been a long week for me, and it still isn't over yet. Hopefully it won't be as full of trials as the last few weeks were.

Sorry for the short post but I don't really have very much else to say.

So now you can go see your baby, maybe...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ugh, this day is gonna suck

So, I started the day out late 'cause I thought my alarm clock was off. So, like the dumb a** that I am, I set it back another hour. So instead of waking up at 8:30, I woke up at 9:30. I get a call as I'm waking up asking if I'm going to be at the show. I realize the time and run downstairs in jeans, a t-shirt, socks, and sandals. Not one of my better moments.

So now my blog is up late. Sorry for the delay. I had no time to get on my computer this morning on an account of getting up an hour late.

So, I have rehearsal tonight, but other than that I don't really have anything to do. Can someone say, "Nap time!" 'Cause I sure can. Hopefully you guys don't hate me for making such a short post then going to bed, but I'm really tired after the two shows. I have to squat during the three-quarters of the show, so my legs get worn out really easy.

See you guys tomorrow morning. And always remember: You're never fully dressed without a smile.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The sun'll come out

Tomorrow I hope. Today it's just very gloomy.

Rehearsal last night went well. I still need to memorize some lines but overall I remember all of it. Plus, there's no way I could forget my song. It's so damn catchy that I was singing it while I walked to the store. I turned heads. For those of you that have heard my voice, you know what I mean. For those who don't, I'll just say that this song is one of the few perfect songs for me. It's right in my range, and it shows off my...

Sorry about that, I just thought for a moment that the kid's show was at ten rather than one. I would have been cutting it very close.

Speaking of "The Frog Prince", I should tell you that it is one of the cheesiest plays that I have ever seen. For a quick synopsis, the prince hunts for the snake witch, gets turned into a frog, the princess runs away from an arranged marriage, they meet, he steals her locket and bargains for a kiss, she refuses, and right as he gives it back she kisses him. Everyone is happy. Oh I also forgot to mention that the snake witch comes after them while the prince changes back into a prince, and when he's done changing and he can't kill the snake witch, they ask for help from the audience. They ask them to whistle.

Oh well. I just hope that I'm right in thinking that it's at one. Because if it actually was at ten, I would be late. I''m going down right now because I heard a bus pull up.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A promise to myself

Today, I start a blog. Hopefully I don't tread on anyone's feelings as I post some of my day to day musings. I know exactly how it feels to have your private life on display when you'd rather have it hidden. Fortunately, I am usually a cautious man, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Anyways, let's move on... The promise I make to myself is that I will update this blog at least every other day. It might not happen because I have a social life and also, I tend to get writer's block. So hopefully this promise to myself is never broken. But knowing me, I will justify some reason to have a few days off from blogging sometime in the near future.

Oh well... At least I've said my peace.

In about thirty minutes, I will be downstairs working. With any luck, I'll do my job well.

I know this blog may not be the most happy peppy thing in the world, but smile, darn ya', smile.